Free weekly events in
libraries, parks, and cafes.

One reading hour. One social hour.
Bring your own book, make a new friend!

Quiet reading belongs to you.
Start your own quiet reading today!

1. Audience
If you’re an individual, invite your friends, family, or classmates.

If you run an event space, invite your regulars and local community.

2. Location
For example: a park, library discussion room, community garden, apartment, cafe, or bar.

A quiet environment is nice but silence is not required; readers can bring noise-cancelling headphones if they wish.

3. Time
Quiet reading can happen at any time: mornings in the park, weekend afternoons, evenings after work, or late-night at home or at a bar.

Quiet reading builds community best when run as a weekly event: same place, same time each week.

4. Promotion
Text, Instagram, flyers, venue website, local subreddit, and so on.

If you run a space like a library, park, cafe, or bar, we can help advertise your event: please contact However, we do not run your event and we do not have “chapters”; we simply maintain a directory listing of events.

5. Host
Quiet reading is designed to be a casual community event. The host only needs to announce the beginnings of the reading hour and the social hour. In fact, there doesn't even need to be a host.

Happy reading!