# Western Europe in the Middle Ages ## Brian Tierney ### March 2024 # Literature *City of God *Confessions De Oficiis Ministrorum *Ambrose *Rule of Benedict *Song of Roland *Beowulf Ecclesiastial Histories of English People Caedmon Cynewulf Fortunatus Einhard - biography of Charlemagne Alcuin of York *Boethius - Consolation of Philosophy Domesday Book Anonymous of York Manegold of Lautenbach Michael Psellas Symeon the new Theologian poetry al Farabi Avicenna Averroes St Bernard of Clairvaux, Letters of Ascent Abelard, History of Calamities, Miracles of the Virgin St Anselm Abelard - letters to heloise Abelard - sic et non Peter Lombard - book of sentences Gratian, Decretum Suger, bio of Louis VI St Francis - Canticle of the Sun *Chaucer - Canterbury Tales Albertus Magnus *Aquinas - Summa theologica, summa contra gentiles Bonaventure Ockham Maimonides Rasho (Solomon ben Isaac) Justinian - Corpus juris civilis Priscian - Institutes Galen Hippocrates Euclid - Geometry Gregory IX - decretals Hostiens, commentary Corpus Juris canonici Bartolus of Sassoferato Acivebron 1917 Code of Canon Law Hildebert of Lvaradin Archpoet - confession *Carmina Burana Otto of Freisling - Two Cities Anglo-Saxon Chronicles William of Malmesbury - history of kings of england *beowulf hildebrand *Nibelungenlied Caedman Cynewulf Orosius history *Ovid - ars amoris, metamorphoses Andrew the Chaplain - de amore *Sir gawain the green knight Christien de troyes Eisenbach Perzival sir malory - morte d'arthur marie de france - lais lincoln/york mystery plays *el cid *dante - divine comedy, the banquet, on monarchy duns scotus bonaventura john of paris - on papal + papal power marsilius of padua - defender of the peace thomas a kemps - imitation of christ *shakespeare - john, edward ii, richard ii, henry plays *petrarch - regarding avignon papacy, conzenione *machiavelli - the princes colveccio salutati froissart's chronicles alberto tenanti - awareness of death and love of life chaistre de pisan cent ballades book of deeds of jacques de lalian le petit jehan de saintre *sir gawain & green knight jean de meuy - roman de la rose fifteen joys of marriage les cent nouvelles *petrarch *bocaccio - genealogy of the gods, decameron *william langland - piers plowman alan chartier charles, duke of orlenans *francois villon della mirandola castiglione erasmus more luther # Places Chapel at Aachen Fulda Abbey San Vitale, Ravenna Cluny Abbey Gorze Abbey Reims churches Uppsala La Grande Chartreuse San Damiano, Assisi SIcily Valencia Cordoba Toledo Carcassonne Crecy-en-Ponthieu Potiers Calais Musee Conde, Chantilly # Art & Architecture Basilica of Constantine, Rome Aachen Chapel Hall of William Rufus, Westminster St Pauls outside the Walls Vezelay Abbey Kings College Chapel, Cambridge Durham Cathedral St Denis Seville Cathedral Cologne Cathedral Cathedral of St Lazare Chartres Cathedral Reims Cathedral Amiens Cathedral Canterbury Cathedral Ste Chapelle Cistercian church, Pontigny Camelot (musical) church of san francisco, siena pisanello gentile da fabriano sassetta - panels of life of st francis les tres riches heures de duc de berry van eyck giotto - scrovegni chapel, snata croce, basilica @ assisi masaccio - brancacci chapel # Words Preferment Stultify Servitor Pullulate Cnaalize Contumacious Appurtenance Inveigle # Theses